Tax Planning
Our unique experience as Tax Attorneys at the intersection of your business and personal (family needs) provides an added benefit to you when you engage our services because we always analyze the legal and tax consequence of all transactions we assist you with. Our experience of representing clients at the IRS and Franchise Tax Board enables us to devise a Tax Planning strategy that advances best alternative.
We can do same for you and/or your business by taking advantage of the various complex provisions of the Internal Revenue Code and Regulations, California State Revenue and Taxation Code and Regulations, and other applicable laws. We will devise creative ideas by the use of the tax planning entities referenced above under Business Formation such as Limited Liability Company (LLCs), Series LLCs, Family Limited Partnership, Limited Partnership and other favorable vehicles depending on your needs.

These vehicles are tax-efficient entities that enable you to shrink the size of your estate through various discounts to reduce or eliminate estate tax liability at death for the mid to large size estates. At your direction, we may advocate an aggressive or steady, yet legal approach towards formulating a tax strategy beneficial to your family and business needs.
Business Succession Planning
We can counsel your business and help devise the most tax efficient means of seamless transfer of your family business assets to your successor and maintain control within your family or chosen successor/s by using use Buy-Sell Agreements, Family Limited Partnerships (FLP), Limited Liability Company (LLC) or other entities. We could also create Sale and Purchase of Business Assets, Stock Transfers, and Corporate Restructuring to accomplish or maintain family control of your business.
We pay particular attention to the unique needs of each transaction and formulate a plan most suitable for that need. We will discuss and strategize with the client to bring them to a working understanding of these complex transactions to be sure that you are comfortable.
Non-Profit Entities
We are experienced in forming Non-Profit entities and counseling them on various complex tax and business issues that are often ignored. We are experienced in helping them comply with the often changing tax laws and increased scrutiny by the Internal Revenue Service through the years. We will help you perform the necessary state registration formalities, petition the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and obtain the Determination Letter confirming the Non-Profit tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), if applicable. We have represented and still count Non-Profits such as Churches and other organizations as our clients
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